Social services
For children and families, persons of working age with disabilities, persons of retirement age, for individuals and families at social risk
General or special social services may be provided in municipalities to persons holding a temporary or permanent residence permit in Lithuania
General social services (may be provided without the need for social services):
- Information
- Counseling
- Mediation and representation
- Catering
- Provision of clothing and footwear
- Organization of transport
- Social and cultural services
- Organization of personal hygiene and care services, etc.
Special social services (if general social services are not enough) in a person's home or social services institution (social supervision). The following services are provided according to the need for social services:
- Help at home
- Development, support and restoration of social skills
- Accommodation in a home for independent living
- Psychosocial assistance
- Day care for children Accommodation in a shelter Temporary respite
- Financial support
Special social services (if general social services are not enough) in a person's home or social services institution (social care). The following services are provided according to the need for social care:
- Day care
- Short-term social care
- Long-term social care
- Temporary respite
Information, counseling, mediation and representation are provided free of charge, and the prices of other services are set by the municipality or the institution providing social services. The municipality has the right to exempt a person (family) from paying for social services.
Where to apply? To receive municipally funded services, you should contact the municipal administration at your place of residence.
IMPORTANT. In crisis cases - when a person (family) experiences physical or psychological violence or physical or emotional safety of that person is threatened, the person (family) may apply to a municipality other than at the person's (family's) place of residence for general social services and/or social care, and in case of an emergency – directly to a social service provider.
Atnaujinimo data: 2023-10-09