Cooperation with partner projects

Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications reported that the application of the project Ensuring the convenience of the State Information Resources Interoperability Platform for users, development of the data exchange tools and the development of shared services for funding under the implementation measure of Priority 2 ‘Promotion of the Information Society’ of the Investment Operational Program of the European Union Funds for 2014-2020 No. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529 ‘Development of Advanced Electronic Services’, has been coordinated with the Central Project Management Agency and that the agreement regarding the Project No. 02.3.1-CPVA-V-529-01-0016 ‘Ensuring the convenience of the State Information Resources Interoperability Platform for users, development of the data exchange tools and the development of shared services’ has been signed on 28 June 2018.

Last updated: 09-10-2023